Tell em’ Straight Up, No Chaser

I haven’t blogged in forever, I know. I’m doing something that most of us do on a daily – LIFE. Now that we have that out the way, I shall proceed. Oh, yeah I hope all is well with my handful of readers!

Happy, sad, mad, excited, scared, ecstatic….what do all of these words have in common? They are all connected to a central nerve in the brain that produces a thing called feelings/emotions. And when these feelings are provoked, the actions can either be good or bad.

I don’t know about you, but I’m not to fond of someone playing with my emotions. Tell me how you feel just how I like my drinks – STRAIGHT, NO CHASER. Thank God that in most cases I can smell the BS from a mile away and nip that sh*t in the bud. Yes, I have played with a persons feelings before. And no it was not nice of me to do it, but I did, just like I’m sure you have too. But in my recent and older years, playing games with people no longer stimulates me, instead I find HONESTY to be a lot more satisfying. Allow me to give you an example: I was on the phone with someone that I was speaking to for the first time. Conversation was going great until he began to irritate me with his goofiness (I love FUNNY, I hate GOOFY) and his excessive need to want to change the topic while I’m in mid sentence (rude). As this now turned pointless convoversation carried on, I felt the blood in my body boiling. Here is where my honesty took over. He asked me what is one on my biggest flaws – my answer: the fact I get irritated easily. He proceeds to ask what irritates me. I paused for a minute, took a deep breath and said…”ummm I’m not feeling this, I don’t think we really have anything in common, I’m sorry”. *Crickets* – dead silence. Finally he says “no problem, no need to be sorry and thank you for saying something”. We ended the conversation there and continued on with our lives. There was no need for me to string this boy along any longer. I got the scissors and cut that sh*t off the minute I knew I wasn’t feeling him.

No, I’m not in the business of hurting a persons feelings, but I am in the business of NOT wasting time. And if that means that I have to voice how I feel in a situation I’m not feeling, so be it.

I’m just saying, the games you once played as a child are no longer cute as an adult. Cease with the dodging a persons phone calls/texts, and coming up with lame ass stories about how busy you have been… it gets old after the second time you use that excuse. Speak up, let a person know “yo, I’m not feeling you”… and everyone can go on with their merry little lives. Yeah the person may think of you as an a**hole at that moment, but in the end you’re at least left with that persons respect.

I Wanna Make The Dial Tone Your Bestfriend.

Quick Random Monday Rant:

As I was playing UNO with my niece and beating her pretty bad if I must say, I all of a sudden get a random phone call from a 707 number at 2 something in the morning. Normally I wouldn’t answer a call that I did not recognize, but for whatever reason I decided to see what the hell this person wanted.

Lose my number...thanks in advance.

Me: “Hello.”
Random Caller: “Tanesha?”
Me: “Who is this?”
Random Caller: “—-” (I will respect this person enough to not blast his name)
Me: “Who?”
Random Caller: “—-! You don’t remember me?”
Me: “What do you want?”
Random Caller: “Can you do me a favor?”
Me: “Nope! But I’m curious as to what you want.”
Random Caller: “Come see me.”
Me: “No. Goodbye.”

First off, I haven’t spoken to this person in about 8 months. Secondly, the d*ck wasn’t poppin’ like that to make me jump and say “I’m on my way”. LMAO, at best is was mediocre. I’m sure your hand wants is more than I do.

Ah go get a life, or better yet go get some new phone numbers and lose mine.

Signing out!

Men, Lets Converse.

Boy I tell ya about these simple silly chicks like Kat Stacks. I promised myself I wouldn’t mention her name on my blog, but I just couldn’t resist.

No I’m not about to go in on ol’ girl (Kat Stacks), because even though I think she is a simple minded female, I’m not really mad at her for exposing the people she has exposed. All these guys want to talk so bad on her…”she’s a hoe”…”she’s a slut”…but guess what buddy, you f*cked her, so what does that make you? You can’t call the kettle black when your ass is the blackest of the blackest..I’m just saying. If I’m mad at anyone in this situation, it’s the guys.

Men, allow me to talk freely and openly to you for a minute. I just want you know that I love you all (some more than others), and actually appreciate you. I have a tendency to be a little hard you guys from time to time, but that is because you make thee most dumbest decisions. Damn, why do you ALWAYS end up messing with the silliest bitch in the world, and then get mad when she puts you out on front street, or tries to trick you out of your money? These females out here will try to get you for your last nickel, just so they can hold it up and shout to the world about how they broke you. And then they will talk about you because all you had was nickel to your name; they will call you a “broke n*gga” until they are blue in the face. But don’t be made at them, be made at yourself. Give yourself a nice black eye, because you allowed the shit to happen. Men, get it together, I mean damn, it’s not hard to identify these silly, simple, one track minded bitches. Allow me to help you out and give you some warning signs.

1.) If you go to a females house, and it is nasty, filthy, mc dirty, but when you met her she had a nice outfit on, hair and nails done..well I hate to say it..but she ain’t about shit. Any woman that can’t take care of home, but wants to be thee flyest thing walking has her priorities disarray.

2.) If you can smell her stank twat when she sits next to you…leave her alone, the chick has some kind of infestation and is ready to pass it on to you without any guilt.

3.) If you know at least 3 people that ran up in her and she never settled down with none of them..let that rat walk, because 9 times out of 10 she is a hoe, and is happy being a hoe.

4.) If you see her on at least 2 social networks with her ass and titties all exposed…don’t even bother sending her a message because she isn’t checking for you boo, she’s checking those pockets.

5.) If you always find that you’re one that pays for everything, or if she consistently has her hand out….keep it moving, before you find yourself broke.

6.) If you have a funny feeling in your gut about this girl….you’re probably right. Leave that chick where you met her…in the gutter.

Men, I’m giving you a heads up because I’m tiered of the once upon a time “goods men” feeling like they have to now dog every female out. Just remember, there is a difference between Women and Bitches, it’s up to you to pick the one that best suits your needs. Be smart.

Grind, Get it in, Hustle, Make Money, Get Money…Just Get It!

Kim Kardashian is thee shit in my book, I can careless about what you, your momma or daddy have to say about her. This chick gets money out the ass crack, literally. She has her own fragrance, workout tapes, currently working with BEBE to launch her own collection, diet pills, she gets paid $10,000 every time she mentions a specific company in her tweets on twitter, and a host of many other endorsements and business ventures. All I can do is respect her hustle. Yeah she had a sex tape out with Ray J, so what. She took that negative and flipped it in to a positive, now this chick is sitting on millions, how about that?

It bothers me when I see people who are in the age range of 18-40 not do anything with their life. Whether it is going to school, working, or just trying to hustle to build an empire; just do something, don’t sit and wait for things to come to you. Get up, let the blood flow back to your ass, and get to moving. Be about something, be about you.

Older people love to talk. So instead of them sitting at home watching “The Price Is Right” and watering their rose gardens, many of them have decided to work at Walmart as a greeter. They can talk to random people about anything and get paid for it. It’s a win win situation. Their utilizing their abilities, which is talking, and getting money all at the same time. My point is, is use the gift God has blessed you with.

In the picture above, you see a guy that is dressed in silver and with him you see a girl cheesing ever so happily. Now some may ask why is this man dressed like this, and who is he? Well to us, San Francisco, Bay Area Natives, he is the “Silver Man”. The “Silver Man” gets money dumped in to his cup by tourist for doing something so simple as mimicking a robot to music. WOW! Talk about a person their grind! This man said to himself “I’m about to get these tourist for their money, legally, because they are silly enough to willingly give it to me”. If that’s not a prime example of using what you got, then I don’t know what is.

The moral of the story is find what your good at, utilize it, and make it happen captain. Surround yourself with people who are doing something with their life, and motivate the ones that are doing nothing with theirs. If you are great at hopping on one leg while singing the National Anthem, well then do it to its fullest potential and make it beneficial. Make your mark in history, accomplish something other than accomplishing doing nothing at all. Come on punkin, show the world what you are all about.

“I aim to be ‘GREAT’, I have mastered how to be ‘GOOD’, I can work with ‘OKAY’ to be ‘BETTER’, But ‘BAD’ is not acceptable”. – Ms.NiceTee



Have you ever noticed how people flock to you when you have some sort of drama in your life? I think of these people like roaches. When it’s a dark point in your life that’s when they move towards you so they can know whats going on, but as soon as your life is bright and things are going good for you, they all scatter. Human being, roaming the world, real life roaches; that’s what they are in my book.

I’m not the type of person that dismisses everything off to a person being jealous or a hater. I try to be more open-minded than that; really find out what the root of the problem is. It’s a very easy answer to a sometimes difficult question….they just really don’t care, point-blank. And why don’t they care? Well that my precious little readers I do not have the answer to. All I can say is if they don’t care, I don’t give a fuck. These people make me laugh and shake my head at the same time, literally. This is eliminating season anyway, it’s about that time to start ridding the next batch roaches out of my life. Guarantee they will try to find a way back in to my life, but I’m fully stocked up with Raid to spray those pesky b*tches away. “RAIDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!” LMAO!

HARD?! No No Punkin….More like SOFT!

Can someone please riddle me this? Why is it that some men (or should I say boys) feel like it is always necessary that they put on this “HARD” act? C’mon son! Do you really feel the need to show me you have balls? Walking around like you’re a 24/7, 365, everyday of your life, Mighty Morphin Power Ranger does nothing for me besides make my nipples go limp, seriously.

Websters Dictionary definition of hard is – not soft, while my definition of the word and the way I use it, is the total opposite. In my world it means -soft. I will even go as far as saying “softie”,”slushie”, ummm…a “pudding pop”, your equal to wack in my eyes. Telling me what you did to this person, what you can do to that person, and what kind of gun you have, does not make you relevant, it makes you a person that feels they have something to prove. You can keep that, ’cause I don’t want it. Give me someone who has nothing to prove to,but all to show.

Honestly, I personally feel the ones that are carriers of this so-called “HARD” trait, are lacking in some area of their manhood, and feel by acting like this gives them a boost of confidence. A man who is sure of himself has no need to prove anything to anyone; to him its considered a waste of time.

So in conclusion, men, stop trying to show women you have a nut sack, 9 times out of 10 we already know. We understand you have the physical traits of a man, no need to staple your d*ck to your forehead for us to recognize this. And women, stop wrongly rubbing the egos of these men. You’re not helping the situation at hand by making them feel like they did something, when they did nothing at all.

…Let me stop before someone gets “HARD” and want to beat my ass..LMAO. I just had to get that off my chest.

NOTE: Some may call this male bashing, but its not. I like to call it “my opinion”. I would love to know what you think.

Never Complexed by my Complexion

With every fiber in my body and soul, I try my best to be happy with me, and majority of the time I am, but naturally I have my moments of insecurities. And when I say insecurities, I speak of small minor things. Things like my hair not looking right, looking a bit on the chunky side in certain outfits, or my eye brows looking like I am related to Wolfeman. These are all things that can be fixed with a little attention and time. But one damn thing I can tell you, is that I have never been insecure about the complextion of my skin. I am a proud dark skin woman. My skin has been chocolate since the day my mother gave birth to me on June 30th 1981. And not once in my 28 years on Gods green earth have I ever been complexed by my complexion.

Allow me to take you on a trip back to the days of slavery, where things were different, but not that much different from what they are today. Black men, women, and children were sold as slaves, subjected to working under strenuous, unbelievable, cruel working conditions which were forced upon them. It has been told by our elders and history, that if you were dark-skinned you were put out in to the fields to work, and if you were light-skinned you were put in to the house to work. In my opinion, this is where this ridiculous light skin dark skin complex originated.

So if this separation began way back in the days of slavery (which wasn’t that long ago), why does it continue now in 2010? The answer to this is easy; Ignorance. I have stumbled across this type of shallowness on many occasions. If your black your black, regardless if your light or dark. But to some people feel differently. Has anyone ever heard of the “paper bag” test? Basically its a test to show how light or dark skin you are. If you are lighter than the paper bag, you are considered “light skin” and if you are darker than the paper bag you are considered “dark skin”. And what was accomplished after taking this test? NOTHING! Do you find it hard to believe that a person would really take the time out of their day to hold a paper bag to their skin? Well if your answer is yes, kudos to you, you actually have sense.

Unfortunately I know people who have these skin complexion issues. People who say ingorant things like they don’t want to have dark skin babies, or men that say they don’t like to date dark skin women. These remarks are made as if being a darker complexion is a bad thing. Allow me to paint a clearer picture about how deep this complex thing is. I have friend, and she has a true complex about being a darker skinned woman. Whether its reading a magazine or watching t.v, she continusly makes remarks like, “she is too dark-skinned” or “this light-skinned girl thinks she is cute”. She even goes as far as to mention how light skin her children are any chance she gets. It’s as if she is proud that her offspring did not come out dark-skinned. It is beyond aggravating to me to hear her say these things because it shows how simple-minded she is. On many occasions I have asked why is it that she always brings a person’s skin complexion in to the equation, and every time she acts as if she has no clue what I am talking about. Sad, because she doesn’t see the harm she is doing. She is embedding these same feelings in to her children, whio in return will embed the same feelings in to their children.

Some may take this as I may have a complex with my complexion, but I can reassure you that I am so comfortable in my skin it should be a sin, seriously. I am merely stating facts, stating the “what is”. We shouldnt subject ourselves to such shallowness. To be divided by skin complextion, but yet be the same race makes not a bit of sense. “If you knew better, you would do better”, isn’t that what they say? I am just a messenger, here to let you know. Accept and Love.

NOTE:This makes video # 2 for me. I’m still trying to get used to this video blogging thing, it’s still very new to me. I’m learning how to edit my videos, so bare with me folks. As time goes on and I get more familiar with this, I will have this whole thing perfected. Again, if you have any opinions, or tips on how I can make my videos better, please share. Until then…..Enjoy, or atleast try too.

Know your equal…..Damnit!

Get it the f*ck together people, seriously.

Note: This is my first damn video I have ever posted up on the internet. I look like a hot mess because I’m still trying to get over this cold I unfortunately still have. Bare with me people. Please feel free to let me know what I need to do (if you’re an experienced video blogger) to make my videos better. Thanks!